Mistake by wife !!!

Mistake by wife !!!

The quarrel had reached a new height when the wife said to her spouse, “I wish I’d taken my mother’s advice and never married you.” Stu Hubby swung around, “Do you mean to tell me that your mother tried to stop you from marrying me?” Vife nodded in the affirmative. d heavens,” cried the band,…

A upset guy…

A upset guy…

A guy comes home from work and he is clearly upset. His wife looks concerned and asks him what’s wrong. He shakes his head and refuses to say anything. Later, during dinner, he’s just pushing his food around on his plate and staring out the window. “Honey, what is it? I’ve never seen you like…

Two old ladies Dolly and Ruby were talking about their grandchildren….

Two old ladies Dolly and Ruby were talking about their grandchildren….

Two old ladies Dolly and Ruby were talking about their grandchildren. Dolly said, “Each year I send each of my grandchildren a card with a generous chequeinside. I never hear from them… never receive a thank you message.” Ruby replies, “I too send my message. Ruby replies, “I too send my grandchildren a very generous cheque…

Mysterious Forest Alert: The Bent Trees’ Secret and Why You Should Look Around Right Away

Mysterious Forest Alert: The Bent Trees’ Secret and Why You Should Look Around Right Away

Nowadays, I can’t imagine driving without a GPS. Maybe it’s because we, or me, let technology to rule our lives. The latest discovery that the brain and the internet are connected is scarcely unexpected. Although maps and GPS are useful tools, consider the events that occurred before they were invented. How did people make their…

Five girls pose for prom photo – Later it goes viral due to little hidden detail

Five girls pose for prom photo – Later it goes viral due to little hidden detail

Truth be told, despite the age limit of 21 for consuming alcoholic beverages, many students are curious to have a drink or two even before that. This is one of the reasons why many of them try to smuggle alcohol on their prom night although they are perfectly aware they are not supposed to. So…

New Husband Demands Wife Give Stepdaughter Her Family Heirloom Instead Of Her Own Daughter

New Husband Demands Wife Give Stepdaughter Her Family Heirloom Instead Of Her Own Daughter

The 35-year-old woman faced a dilemma when her husband suggested diverting a family heirloom, an emerald necklace traditionally given to the firstborn on their fourteenth birthday, from her daughter Emily to his daughter Sophia. Seeking advice on Reddit, the woman explained that despite being aware of the family custom, Joey insisted on redirecting the necklace…

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s girlfriend Heather is 28 years his junior

Arnold His incredible looks and dedication brought him the title of Mr. Universe five times, and he was named Mr. Olympia seven times. Despite these titles, his physique, along with his acting talent, helped him land one of the most famous roles in the history of film, that of Terminator. Who else if not Arnold…

I got…..

I got…..

I got chatting to a girl in a club, “Can I buy you a drink?” I asked. “Have you not got a girlfriend?” she replied, “Guys like you always have girlfriends.” “No, sadly we broke up just over a month ago,” I assured her. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that,” she said, “Go on then,…

Mark Wahlberg Turned Down a $30 Million Role Opposite Tom Hanks: “I’ll Pray for His Soul But I Won’t Work With Him.”

Mark Wahlberg Turned Down a $30 Million Role Opposite Tom Hanks: “I’ll Pray for His Soul But I Won’t Work With Him.”

Mark Wahlberg certainly has come a long way since his days with The Funky Bunch. A devout man of God, Wahlberg is the only top-earning Hollywood celebrity willing to talk about his relationship with the Almighty. That’s why it wasn’t surprising to hear that he turned down a huge offer to work alongside Tom Hanks…

An 85 years old..

An 85 years old..

An 85 years old lady was waiting for her husband at the bar in Harpoon Harry’s. Suddenly, a very handsome man enters and sits down a few seats away. The man is so attractive, she cannot keep her eyes off him. After a short time, the man notices her staring and approaches her. Before the…