In 1983, a baby boy weighing more than 16 lbs was born. How does he live 39 years later

In 1983, Kevin Robert Clark made headlines across America when he was born, weighing an astonishing 16 pounds. At the time, his birth was celebrated as he became the largest baby born in the country. Kevin’s mother, Patricia Clark, had suspected her baby might be on the larger side, especially considering the family’s history of big babies. However, she was still taken aback by just how large Kevin turned out to be.


After bringing him home, Patricia quickly realized that Kevin was much too big for standard baby cribs, and none of his clothes fit him. As he grew, it became increasingly challenging to find clothes that could accommodate his rapid growth. By the time he was 12, Kevin had already reached an impressive height, weighing over 152 pounds. Shopping for clothes and shoes was a constant struggle due to his size, placing a burden on both him and his family.

Growing up, Kevin was frequently encouraged to pursue sports like basketball, given his towering height. However, despite the expectations from those around him, he never developed an interest in sports and didn’t excel in them. Instead, Kevin found his passions in hunting and fishing, activities he thoroughly enjoyed.

As he matured, Kevin chose a different path than what others may have expected. He proudly served in the U.S. Air Force and later built a career working for the state police. Now, at 39 years old, Kevin weighs 136 pounds and stands over 2 meters tall. Despite his impressive physical stature, he has never been comfortable being the center of attention. Throughout his life, he was often subjected to jokes and teasing about his size, which eventually wore him down. Because of this, he prefers that people avoid making light of his height.

Despite the challenges he has faced as a result of his extraordinary size, Kevin has led a fulfilling and happy life. He has found love with his soulmate, and his faithful dog is a constant source of joy. People still frequently ask him if he plays basketball, to which he responds with a witty comeback: “Do you play miniature golf?”

Kevin’s journey is a testament to the fact that while he may have been born under extraordinary circumstances, he has chosen his own path, living life on his terms and finding joy in the things that matter most to him.

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